In a recent meeting of Chief Executive Boards International, members considered the implication of a Right Management survey, indicating that 60% of employees surveyed in 2009 said they intended to leave their jobs when the market got better. Link to Article
In cases where salaries have been reduced or frozen, members are considering salary actions. Others are considering a "survival" bonus -- a one-time "catchup" that doesn't get baked into base pay.
An interesting idea that came out of this discussion is creating and distributing a summary, by employee, of the full benefits provided by the company, including such things as:
- Salary and OT
- Bonus
- 401(k) match/company contributions
- Pension contributions
- Employer FICA
- Employer Medicare
- State Unemployment
- Workers Comp Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Disability Insurance (short/long)
- Mobile phones, car allowances, other job-specific perks
- Uniforms, Union Dues, other collective bargaining perks
If you've done something to remind employees just how many benefits they're getting from their employment, click "comment" below and share your experience with others.
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Chief Executive Boards International

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