Part of what I love about meetings of Chief Executive Boards International are the counter-intuitive, innovative ideas our members come up with. In a discussion about recruiting and selection, one member again emphasized his insistence that he wants only employees who are passionate about what they and the company are doing.
How does he test that? At the end of 1 year (or perhaps sooner, depending on the learning curve of the job) he offers a $2,000 bonus for leaving. Yes, you heard right. He offers people $2,000 if they want to leave the company -- no harm, no foul. It's a curiously inverse way of testing to see whether they think the company and the job is right for them. And he's had people (not many) take him up on it. He says he's happy to incentivize turnover that he believes inevitable, and get on with finding a person who really wants the job.
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Terry Weaver
Chief Executive Boards International

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