If you completely eliminate your expectation that "stuff" will make you happy, it's a real treat when you buy something you just love. Here's a simple product I've bought recently that I really like:
11-in-one Memory Card Reader -- http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000R16AY2?smid=A2JSBUBRVPP4SX&tag=cnet-ce-20&linkCode=asn -- There are different versions of these, but this one works with every version/packaging of camera memory I've encountered. And it requires NO DRIVERS -- plug into any uSB port on any computer and slip in any style of camera memory and it looks like a disc drive on the PC. What I use this for is at an event when several people are taking pictures, I just ask for their memory cards at the end, and harvest all the photos onto my laptop.
I hope thise product recommendations are useful to you. They're well-designed, great inexpensive products that do everything they're supposed to do, and do it better than you'd expect. If you have products that you're totally enthused about, please post them here.
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Terry Weaver
Chief Executive Boards International
864 527-5917
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